

首創中文詞彙索引對照英文標準用法!詞窮?一翻開就能張口說!  你講英文永遠只會老師教的那兩三招?A piece of cake!老掉牙囉!  每次聽老外講英文只聽的懂單字?!英美式用法常傻傻分不清嗎?  當你對老美說The penny drops!他可是一頭霧水,…more


Summit 2/e (2) Complete Assessment Package with ExamView Assessment Suite CD-ROM/1片

Summit is a two-level high-intermediate/advanced course that provides the post-intermediate learner with an integrated set of skills for global communication.  This Complete Assessment Package includes:  * Ten printable unit a…more

About Me我怎麼介紹我?:用英文Show自己,博得好印象!(1書+1 MP3)

本書特色  英文學了半天,你會用英文介紹自己嗎?  工作面談、會見外國客戶或結交外國友人,  每次說完 Nice to meet you 和 My name is... 只能支吾其詞,開始冷場?  用英文自我介紹,成為世界人才第一步!  升學口試、求職面談、商務會…more


Summit 2/e (1) Classroom Audio Program(Audio CDs/5片)

Summit is a two-level high-intermediate/advanced course that provides the post-intermediate learner with an integrated set of skills for global communication.  The Classroom Audio Program contains all:   * Vocabulary presentat…more





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